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Tiana is a Certified Mindset Coach with a background in holistic nutrition and movement who works with women who want to shift from scarcity and playing it small to thriving and abundant confidence.

Her signature programs are designed to provide her clients with a 360 approach in that they focus on helping you uncover what you truly desire and the blocks that may be holding you back from achieving your goals and dream life. With this holistic approach, she focuses on optimizing your nutrition, movement and mindset to help you release weight, balance your hormones and have better energy and feeling confident and sexy in your body again.

Tiana is passionate about providing women with the tools and resources, as well as 1:1 support to put them back into the driver’s seat of their lives and step into their full potential. Her extensive coaching toolkit includes techniques that work with the subconscious mind to help move past the blocks and limiting beliefs so that you can shift from a place of overwhelm to kicka$$ confidence.

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